

Area protection, suicide and accident prevention fencing. Fenced by lakes, solar parks and substations.

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Every year, roughly 90 people die and 20 people are seriously injured in the track area of ​​the national railway network in Sweden. The majority of those killed are people who stay on the tracks without permission. The majority of these, about 75 percent, are suicides. It is also common for people to cross the tracks to get a shorter route or to not understand that the place is dangerous to use to cross the track.

The number of people who die annually in rail traffic has remained roughly the same for the last decade.

The Swedish Transport Administration’s director general has decided to aim to halve the number of people killed in rail traffic by 2020. In actual figures, this means that no more than 500 people may die in rail traffic in 2020. In order to reach the goal, the Swedish Transport Administration needs to put extra effort into preventing and making it more difficult for unauthorized track running as well as developing methods to detect and react when unauthorized people are in the track area.